Deep Calleth unto Deep

There is a place in prayer where all the fake goes away and we stand before God in complete honesty and openness.  This is the true place…

Who are “They” Anyway?

We all know people that trumpet their woes in life.  Shirking personal responsibility, fault is placed elsewhere as these people puff out their dissatisfaction with this or…

‘Grandma’ is Not an Adjective

‘Grandma’ Is Not an Adjective  “Oh no, dear, my hands are too old now…” “Please try, Grandma, please play for me again…” She was ninety years old…

November in the Sun

Greetings…GREETINGS; need to almost hollar over the sound of the waves. Ahhhh, there is just something wonderful about the rolling surf against the boundry of sand set…

Sarcastic Bantering

  Perhaps you grew up in a home where sarcastic bantering and hurtful words were cloaked beneath a shroud of ‘just good natured funning.’  Perhaps your sisters…

To Fellowship His Suffering

Philippians 3 1Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is…

An Open Letter

Great God in Heaven, help me to walk worthy of the calling you have placed in my life. “Make your calling and election sure,” you have said…

Five Months Later

Hello faithful followers of this blog…I do hope this entry finds you healthy, happy, and victorious in The Battle.  Like so many things in life that seem…


Self control must be taught! When it is taught early, children grow straight and strong and right on time. When self control is not the focus, the…

Spring is here (almost)

Embarrassing how hard it is sometimes for a writer to write! Everyday it seems words, ideas and duty flood my mind and the swelling seeks an outlet;…